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Nelsonville Music Festival




Paw Paw Festival


Athens Area Fiber Faire- find us on Facebook!



West Elementary Holiday Show

Holiday A.L.P.A.C.A. Market

Athens Community Center
Athens, Ohio

Friday, August 12, 2011

Really bad at this....

So I am really far behind in my posts and I apologize to the 2 people who actually read this but I am getting better and at least taking the pictures of the events with the intent to post them. So that is my apology and now on to some fun stuff.

This is the deep dish pizza I ate at my brother Paul's house last night. I left Albany, Ohio at 8am on the dot but did not arrive at his place until 4pm due to horrible traffic and the fact that I freak out when there are more than 2 cars on the road. People were honking and swerving and yelling and I was almost frozen in fear when I realized the worst that could happen was I would be killed on the Chicago Skyway and at least I was having an adventure. I drove through some interesting parts of town on a detour that lead me back to the dreaded highway I had jumped off earlier. I think I passed through a Polish section of town and it smelled of bread.

Just so you know I was not driving when I took these pictures but stuck in traffic so I was not being unsafe...we not really unsafe.

there will be more pictures to come because this weekend is the bachelorette party for Vanessa my new sister in law and I cannot wait. I am meeting the rest of the bridesmaids this weekend and we are off to have amazing adventures with alcohol and a limo. Maybe some cooking and shopping in there and of course the raunchy stuff at the party that I might or might not censor on here depending on how funny it is!

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